Scannan Collection

Win a prize starting at $1,000. Solve the cryptic
clues to crowdfund this series and Win!

Here’s your chance to win a
grand prize, from $1,000

Help to raise funds to help people with lived experience of mental health care.

We are using NFT’s differently, are you up to the challenge? This is your chance to win a cash or crypto prize with the Scannan series and Film-Legion. Each NFT cost between ¢50 and $1.20 (in MATIC), and you will be assisting in the funding of critical research into severe, enduring mental health and physical health disorders. You will also be crowdfunding the production of Scannan, a 3-part feature length series, 30 YEARS in the making.

A single cryptic clue is hidden within these images. You must collect all of the correct characters to recieve a secret question. Follow the questions to get closer to the ever growing prize, and a guarenteed $1,000. Please sell at least 2 NFT’s to WIN, and sell more so others may participate and raise money for producing Scannan, and fund these worthy causes.

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Book 1 of the Scannan collection


Book 2 of the Scannan collection

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